Scenes of Piermont, wildlife, and puppies!
April and May 2024

Piermonter Christa Davis is showing her photographs at the Piermont Public Library. On display are pictures that Christa has taken of local wildlife, scenic views in Piermont and Christa’s gorgeous dogs. Christa says that she is always taking photographs. It was both a challenge and fun to decide what to exhibit. Christa also takes photographs of dogs professionally.
Christa says: “It has been a blessing to spend my life in our wonderful Town, where all the “wild things” are. Seeing all the natural beauty, wildlife and nature has led me to a life of wandering, searching out places and animals that bring me joy. Trying to capture the essence of what my eyes can see.”
Come into the library and see Christa’s wonderful photographs. The show will be up through the end of May 2024.